The new Critical Care in Obstetrics course: An Innovative and Integrated Model For Learning the Essentials - November 13-15, 2014 Mesa, Arizona
This completely new course, being offered for the first time in November 2014, will make use of contemporary learning modalities coupling online learning, self-assessment and simulation. Participants will engage in an online self-assessment as well as complete educational materials with filmed and didactic lectures from leading experts. This information will then be reinforced with a 3-day course of interactive case discussions and team simulations to allow sharing of information across disciplines to improve critical maternal care. Participants will develop practical knowledge and skills for use as they face the challenging world of obstetrics, and better equip themselves to handle emergency situations.
At the end of this conference attendees will develop an understanding of the physiology of pregnancy and how pregnancy uniquely creates risk for mild and severe maternal complications as well as develop skills regarding the care and treatment for multiple critical care conditions in pregnancy.
Covered areas will include hemorrhage, massive transfusion, placental abnormalities, cardiac disease (including postpartum cardiomyopathy, acute infarction, pulmonary, hypertension, and structural disease), thromboembolic disease, SIRS (including sepsis and septic shock), thyroid storm and diabetic ketoacidosis, ARDS/pulmonary edema, preeclampsia, hypertensive crisis, amniotic fluid embolism, alterations to the ACLS and trauma protocols, and indications for and use of invasive monitoring in pregnancy.